Extract radio streams with Wireshark

  1. Open the page of your favourite radio station and prepare to launch radio player.
  2. Open Wireshark and launch it on your current interface.
  3. Start the radio player, wait a little (10 sec): let wireshark collect some packets.
  4. Stop the wireshark running live capture (you can close the radio player now)
  5. In wireshark open Statistics->Conversations. In conversations open IPv4 tab.
  6. Sort the conversations by packets
  7. Right click the conversation with maximum number of Packets and Apply a filter->Selected-> ‘A<-B'. Close the conversations window.
  8. Open find packet dialog (CTRL+F), select String radio button, Search in: Packet details, find string “GET”.
  9. The second packet with GET was the one I needed
  10. You’ll see the host and path, concat 2 strings and test the stream in your favourite audio player
  11. Share the stream link with your friends and on Wikipedia, enjoy!

P.S. You can also use the ‘easy’ way: install Windows, download URL Snooper, extract stream. Don’t forget to donate to DonationCoder.

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